
Friday nights Kabbalat Shabbat potluck and service; Saturday mornings (traditional, with Torah reading and discussion); Saturday evenings Havdalah.  Services are roughly 50% in Hebrew and English.  They are held in members’ homes, with a dairy/parve potluck meal and socializing.  Our prayer book is Sim Shalom and the Chumash is Plaut’s (also Soncino).

High Holidays

We hold traditional Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur services, and welcome guests and college students.  We use Machzor Chadash. The location of our high holiday services varies from year to year, so please contact us via the contact form on this website for the location of service.


Sukkot, Shavuot, Purim, Simchat Torah, Chanukah and Israel’s Independence Day are all celebrated with joy and color at varied locations.

About Our Worship

We defy a conventional definition such as orthodox, conservative, reform.  We think of ourselves as being eclectic-traditional.  For example, our prayer books and bibles (Sim Shalom, Revised Plaut, New Machzor) are issued by various movements, and we sit mixed, family-style.  Our prayer leaders and Torah readers are both men and women.  We call families and individuals to the Torah.

Life Cycle Events


For More Info

We often celebrate brit milah in the newborn’s home.  An MD/mohel is a member of the Chavurah, but members may choose their own mohel.  We prepare and celebrate the bar/bat mitzvah of our children as an extended family.  We welcome adult bar/bar mitvahs as well.  We conduct traditional weddings officially recognized by the state of New Mexico.  One of our members performs traditional weddings, but couples may choose their own officiant who recognizes Jewish practices.  Our chuppah has the names of all the newlyweds embroidered on its rim.  We own several plots in a local cemetery.  Several individuals in the Chavurah have officiated at funerals for members and their immediate families.

For more information on upcoming services, check your newsletter.  If you are not currently a member and would like more information, please use the contact form.